Circular Economy

To help the transition of the agricultural, fisheries and forestry sectors to a circular economy, Agricultural Innovation Australia (AIA) has partnered with Circular Australia.

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Circular Australia is an independent, national peak not-for-profit body working to transition Australians, governments and businesses to a circular economy by 2030.

AIA has joined Circular Australia’s Circular Leaders Program, which is designed for organisations committed to leading the transition in their industries towards the 2030 goal.

Through the partnership, AIA and Circular Australia are working to catalyse nationally significant and scalable circular economy initiatives across agriculture, fisheries and forestry, with several key objectives:

  1. Understand circularity in agriculture: With stakeholders, collectively determine what circularity looks like for Australian agriculture and cultivate the sectors’ contribution to the formulation of a national framework, including analysing the potential impact on existing business models and practices.

  2. Identify key challenges and opportunities: Pinpoint the challenges that may hinder the transition to a circular economy, and the opportunities that have the potential to significantly benefit the sectors, including creating viable markets for secondary resources.

  3. Sector representation: Ensure the sectors have a voice in leadership discussions surrounding circularity through participation in taskforces.

  4. Collaboration: Explore opportunities to collaborate with other industries and sectors and learn from their initiatives, leveraging insights to drive innovation in Australian agriculture.

  5. Harnessing expertise: Leverage Circular Australia’s expertise and insights to inform strategic decisions and drive meaningful outcomes in Australian agriculture.